Saturday, March 21, 2009


Another purse, this one has an interior pocket and magnetic snap closure
Apron modeled by Annie-she looks better in it than I do!


A Chef's style apron made for wearing in nursery

Bunny Box

A triangle box bunny
More Easter Goodness

Easter stuff

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Primary assignment

The ward Primary President called last night with my assignment. It appears that I am now the new Jr. Nursery Leader. Our nursery is so large they have split it into two age groups. I have the younger group 18 months to possibly 2? This should be interesting. I just hope I don't have lots of crying children all the time. There are many "pros" to nursery: you get to play with toys, snack time is a must, you don't have to participate in Primary activity days or the Primary Sacrament meeting program and you have a ready made excuse to take a very long nap on Sunday after church is over. And nursery workers have a direct link to the celestial kingdom, right?!